Resinous Polypore Mushroom: The Underdog of Wild Edibles
In this video, the Glam Gardener finds a common wild edible mushroom called Resinous Polypore. This delicious fall mushroom doesn’t get as much credit as chicken of the woods and hen of the woods, but it should! By the end of this video, you’ll learn how to identify it, where to find it, and a bit about how to cook it.
Resinous Polypore Mushroom
Ischoderma resinosum., or Resinous Polypore is a common find during fall mushroom foraging trips in the northeastern United States. It’s been documented as an edible mushroom by foragers far and wide.
This video is part of Glam Gardener NYC’s foraging blog. It's for seasoned foraging lovers and beginners alike! This video is safe for children to watch.
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